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Compliance Documents
Releases, Labor Compliance, Insurance Samples
Our greatest asset is our people. Our greatest value is keeping them safe. Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety of our employees, subcontractors, and the public.
AGC California Safety Excellence Award
Heavy/Civil/Highway Division, 600,000 – 1 Million Worker Hours, 2017
Caltrans Excellence in Partnering Award - Gold Level
I-110/C Street Interchange Project, 2017
AGC of California - Excellence in Partnering Award, Finalist
Berths 142-143 Backland Improvements, 2017
AGC California - Constructor Award, Finalist
Nogales Grade Separation Project, 2017
AGC California - Constructor Award, Finalist
Berths 142-143 Backland Improvements, 2017
Griffith Company has been recognized by the following organizations