Port of Los Angeles
The Cabrillo Way Marina in San Pedro is home to leisure craft, fishing trawlers, sailboats and the docks to access them. Griffith Company and our JV partner, Dutra, are constructing a fifty-acre marina with hundreds of new boat slips and docks for the Port of LA. Our crews have been dredging and excavating from existing revetment areas for placement in a water basin to create a new landside area. The installation of docks and slips requires hundreds of driven concrete piles, many from a barge in the bay. To safeguard the landside improvements, sea walls were constructed with rock revetment protection as well.
On the land, our crews have planted hundreds of palm trees, paved acres of concrete parking lot, and installed football fields full of granite pavers to beautify the marina. Our team has worked through design and permit issues that caused months of delay then accelerated to bring the project back on track. Griffith Company has, once again, put its stamp on the well-used Cabrillo Way facility. Generations will enjoy the results of our hard work and construction know-how.